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Can Starbucks Help You Find Your St Louis Home?

Ordering a house at Starbucks

Could Starbucks Help You Locate Your Home in
an Up and Coming Neighborhood?

Starbucks is one of the most successful franchises of all time.  They got where they are by doing their homework.

How does Starbucks decide where to place their stores?

Watch the video below and see how you might benefit from their research.

St Louis Homes for Sale Near Starbucks

You and I might not have the vast resources for research that Starbucks has.
But we can show you where they’ve decided to locate their stores.

The map below is live and updated every 24 hours. The blue dots represent Starbucks locations and when you zoom in by using the Zoom tool located on the left side, you’ll  see homes for sale.
The home icons within the blue concentric circles are those closest to Starbucks.
Try it, it’s more fun than a Frappacino!

The map is moveable by simply dragging the mouse around in which ever direction you desire.  You can also enjoy a more expanded view of the map by clicking the link below the map.

St. Louis Area Starbucks Locations

[spatialmatch_map id=44 width=100% height=650]
[spatialmatch_popup id=44 appearance=link]Click Here to Enlarge the Map[/spatialmatch_popup]

Will Geo-Spatial Searching be the Future of Real Estate Searching?

Finding Homes for You introduced Spatialmatch Lifestyle Searching to the St. Louis area several years ago.  It changes the search equation around to focus on your lifestyle and the amenities that are important to you.

Would you like to live within a mile of a medical center, a half mile from your kids school, a 1/4 mile away from an Italian restaurant?  Layered search technology will bring us closer and closer to finding that perfect spot.

We hope you will take the time to explore a truly different way to search for your next home.  Take advantage of the tutorials that are embedded into the mapping.  Call 636-532-4200 for more info.

Finding Homes for You Mobile Search App

Download the mobile app now and see all homes for sale within seconds!

Click the image above or text: HOME4ME  to 87778



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